
First week!


That date was a crucial date for my life. Every single habit has rapidly changed… but in a good way. 🙂

That was the date my son Edvin came into life!

It was quick and almost painless delivery (although it was a normal labor) and totally in 3 hours after I went to the hospital they gave me my son into my arms and took a sudden picture of us. And asked ‘How do you feel mommy?’

How do I feel???? What just happened??? I looked to my belly- it was almost all gone… and I had something in my arms…or someone?! Who was that??? Omg…

That were my exact feeling right after the delivery…

We were 3 days and 4 nights in the hospital. That was the time we were getting used to ourselves. He was shocked- in a completely new environment, between a completely new people… Actually, he was not between new people, because he was used to be alone and that is why he was frustrated of the noise he was surrounded. He was looking around- and seeing nothing!…

The 1st night in his life- he spent in hospital’s children room- that was the 1st and the last night he was apart from me…. I cannot tell that they were treating him bad, but I really didn’t like the way they were bringing him to me- like a left-alone orphan. So, I said, doesn’t matter how hard it would be for me and for him to get to know each other, I am not going to give him to them…

That was how it happened!

2nd day was harsh for both of us. He was hungry (actually he was hungry from the moment he was born) and I didn’t have milk, except collastra. I know that collastra is very good for him for his immune system, and although they said that it would be enough for the newborns to drink just collastra to feel full, it was not the case in our situation. He was hungry, very hungry.He was sucking my boobs almost the whole night and both of us didn’t sleep because I insisted to give him mother’s milk and he insisted to drink because he didn’t feel full. At the end, however, I gave up and gave him small amount of adaptive milk… I knew that it was unhealthy, and I knew that it was again my healthy lifestyle standards and viewpoints, but what can I do, he was crying like crazy just for 30 ml milk…. However, I can proudly say that was my 1st and last attempt to give him ‘unhealthy’ meal!

7th of March was the date we came to home. A day when Edvin saw for the 1st time his new life belongings- his bed, his room, his new environment. It was meant to be a home for a month and then to move to Sofia with mom and dad, but because of the quarantine it has been 43 days and his room stays the same. I mean we are all stuck in Edvin’s grannies house for more than a month now…


Edvin is a music lover!

Very interesting fact about our little boy is that he loves music. Not only the baby lullabies but some Russian rock, deephouse chill music and all the kinds of music which we love. Actually, he finds piece and relaxation when someone is singing him some of his/her favourite songs :). Lately, we began sleeping in rock concerts and some really good stuff.

One of my dreams was to play and sing on some musical instrument, but it never come true. I don’t know if my parents were not supporting me to try or I had no talent. Anyway, I was always hoping that my child would accomplish that my dream. We will see…

Should not forget to mention that Edgard is more artistic person than me- he can play on a guitar and sing. Maybe this is a characteristic that Edvin got from his father rather than accomplishing my childish dream :D…IMG_6990.jpg


To be a mom…


I have lost the count of how many times I began writing something to describe my feelings of being a mom and at the end I always end up deleting everything simply because there is no right word to describe how exactly is this feeling…

The fact is that the only words that come into my mind are ‘incredible, joyful, meaningful, and love’…

It is a feeling that cannot be described, it is a feeling that must be felt by every woman! It is so incredible that such a little thing can fill all of your heart with meaningfulness and love. It is unbelievable to feel joyful every time when ypu think of him. It is another level of love…

When I was pregnant I was told by everyone that hard times are waiting me, sleepless nights, tiredness, exhausted moments etc… I was afraid of what to expect…

Then that ‘scary’ moments came… And… There is nothing like that. Even just the opposite- I enjoy every second with my little man.

Sleepless evenings- they are moments of shared love that are involved just me, him and the silence. It is the most meaningful moments of my life seeing him so peaceful sleeping in my arms, exploring my breath, feeling my heartbeats, having his another meal.

Tiredness, that is another feeling that everybody was imposing me that I am going to feel. However, I can honestly tell that this feeling of being tired is evaporating in the moments when I see his tiny little blue eyes looking my eyes and telling ‘Mommy you are my everything..’

Actually, I must tell that I enjoy every second of being a mom and being with my son. I enjoy it so much that I feel even envy when someone takes it from me. Yes, that is right, I can be even jealous to share Edvin with someone else…. Strange huh!

In short, being a mom- that is one of the best decisions I have ever made about my life. I cannot think of the opposite now. I really don’t know what it would be not to be a mom. I know that I sound very cliche, but this is the truth.IMG_7076.jpg


How did it happen?!

Ohhh goshhh….

Such a huge step in life… I think being ready for such a thing is never easy, and for me wasn’t too. Actually, this was one of the last ‘to do’s’ on my list, but life happens…

Let me tell you how I felt at first…

In a very relaxing and exciting holiday our baby just ‘whistles to Edgard’ that it is time him to come to the world. And voilaaaa… Couple of weeks later- Mimi is pregnant.

A huge shock for me at first. Although, Edgard is not accepting, I think for him was shocking as well. Nevermind… I couldn’t imagine myself being a mom. Mom?! Ohh goshh.. I was thinking over and over again what would be my life from now on. Is it the end of careless life? Or a begining of something completely new and exciting? I know that everybody is telling me that the best is to come, but think of yourself- wouldn’t you be scared of the unknown?! Well, I was scared as hell… I did’t know what to think or to expect. And just decided to give it a time and see what will happen… Needless to say, that I was doing all my doctor’s visits and tests, taking the medications that were necessary and wandering if a baby is going to be a real thing or so??

These first three months were passing fast and I wasn’t feeling different, because nausea and these kinds of ‘bad effects’ of pregnancy were missing, so life was continuing as it was before…

I forgot to write the very first time I made a pregnancy test was just a week after the ‘upppss’ and it showed a blurry two lines and we couldn’t belive it is true. I will attach the picture and, believe me- even blurry lines are real in these tests. Couple of days later I went to a doctor to have a proffesional opinion on the situation. It was real- a tiny little sessame seed was inside me ( a fertilized egg )!!!IMG_5468





It interesting and almost unknown fact that every shoe is handmade. It passes through many different manual operations, which I would like to talk in details in todays post.

First of all, the shoe should be designed, sketched and drew on special papers. Then, it should be cut and taken out the pattern. Afterwords, the perfect leather should be stamped on the pattern. Then it should wait a while.

I need to mention as well, that before placing the leather onto the patter, it should be cut carefully, sewed and made the wholes (if needed) and then should take a place on the pattern.

Afterwords, should be assembled and the finishing touches should be added.

As a final step the final quality controls should be conducted and… Voila…

Although, it seems an easy job, actually it takes days to prepare just one pair of shoes. This is the reason why so many people are engaged in this processes.

You can check out the pictures below and see some of the process.


Интересно и почти неизвестно е факта, че всяка обувка е ръчно изработена. Всяка една от тях преминава през много различни ръчни операции, които бих искала да говоря в подробности в днешния ми пост.

На първо място, обувката трябва да бъде проектирана, скицирана и изготвена върху специални хартии. След това тя трябва да бъде изрязана и извадена от шаблона. Перфектната кожа трябва да бъде поставена върху шаблона. След което трябва да се изчака известно време.

Трябва да отбележа и това, че преди да поставите кожата върху платното, тя трябва да бъде нарязана внимателно и да се направят необходимите шевни процедури (ако е необходимо) и след това да заеме място върху шаблона.

След като поседи върху шаблона те трябва да бъдат сглобени и да бъдат добавени краищата на обувките.

Като последна стъпка окончателният контрол на качеството трябва да се проведе и готово …

Когато говорим за процеса, то изглежда лесна работа, но всъщност отнема дни, за да се подготвят само един чифт обувки. Това е причината, поради която толкова много хора са ангажирани в изработването и дизайна на една единствена обувка.

Можете да разгледате снимките по-долу и да видите част от процеса.


GiAnni Shoes

GiAnni Shoeslinkedin.cover pic

Since 2000…

GiAnni Shoes is a shoe brand since 2000. The idea comes with the collaboration of one Italian Designer and a young family from Bulgaria, which are very interested in fashion and especially in shoes. So, when the Bulgarian woman, called Ani, reveal her passion about shoes in front of the Italian designer, then the beautiful GiAnni Shoes come into life. 

Making and creating GiAnni Shoes is an art, which needs not only creativity and talent, but also hard work and preciseness. That is because every single shoe is a handmade product that has to pass through 35 different hand works, before it comes as a proper shoe. So, designing, creating, and finding the best materials becomes necessity for GiAnni Shoes, before selling them. 


От 2000…

GiAnni Shoes е марка за обувки от 2000 година. Идеята идва с колаборацията на италиански дизайнер и младо българско семейство, които са изключително заинтригувани от модата, по-специално от обувки. Ани, българската съдружничка на GiAnni Shoes, е изключителна жена с огромен афинитет към обувките и дизайна им. И така италианския дизайнер и Ани започват да работят ръка за ръка и една неповторима марка за обувки се появява- GiAnni Shoes.

За направата на обувки се изискава талант и изкуство, но също така се изисква много работа и точност. Това е така, защото всяка една обувка в GiAnni Shoes е ръчно изработена и минава през 35 различни човешки ръце. В резултат на което Ани и италианският дизайнер се нуждаят от перфектния дизайн и намирането на перфектните материали и талантливи ръце, правещи обувки GiAnni.


Pistacchio cake recepi

Today, i am going to post the recepi of one of my favourite cakes- Pistacchio cake. I assure you, it is healthy and very, very delicious. So, friends, follow and make changes whenever you can 😉


2,5 cups od pisracchio yoghurt

1/2 cup of wholegrain flour

1/2 cup of oatmeal

3 eggs ( if the eggs are small put 4 )

1 tabble spoon of coconut oil

1/5 mapple syrup, or honey, or sugar ( try to use a healthy sugar like canola sugar) and if you are going to put sugar please put 1/3 of cup

A pinch of soda bicarbonat

6-7 raw almonds ( but you can modify this part by putting some raw pistacchios or some nuts you have at home)

4-5 dried fruits like prunes


In a bowl mix the eggs and the sugar ( if you have the robot it would be great for mixing, and if not you can use more effort and mix hard as i did 😉 ). Then put the yoghurt and the melted coconut oil and mix again till you reach a homogenious substance. In another bowl put the flour and the baking soda and mix. Then put the oatmeals and the nuts and the dried fruits and mix a little bit more. After that mix the whole ingredients in one bowl. At the end put all the ingredients in the baking form and bake for 40-45 minutes in 200 degrees. 

It is more than wonderful to make it in the morning and enjoy it with a cup of black, strong coffee, and favourite reading book or site.

If you have couple of minutes, you can give me some feedbacks about the experience.




Healthy Truffles

2/12/2017, the last month of the diverse 2017. It was cold Saturday morning and while I was drinking my coffee, I decided to sweeten my day with something really delicious, but at the same time something really healthy. At the end I came up with a truffle recipe, which you can easily do at home and what is more you can always modify according to the products you have in your home.

So, let’s begin…


(First make sure to have a coffee cup and food processor nearby)

1/2 cup of cashews

1/2 cup of almonds

1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds

1/3 cup of cacao powder

5 dates

10-15 dried plumps

20 gr dark chocolate

pinch of sea salt

( You can always modify the ingredients. For example you can put walnuts or hazelnuts if you prefer or simply because if you don’t have the other nuts at that moment. You can do the same change for the dried fruits as well, for insentience, you can put dried apricots)


Put the all ingredients in the food processor and process them till you reach a homogeneous substance. Then you should use your hands to make small truffle balls. After that you can just roll your balls in the cacao powder or in coconut powder.

Enjoy the delicious glutenfree truffles, made by you with lots of love.



The beginning of my story

Let me tell you a short story about love.

Almost eight years ago two young people were meeting and they feel something strange. It was not a love from first sight, but it was a strange, unknown feeling as if they knew each other long before. Anyway, at that time nothing happens, till the day they decide to go out for a friendly, hot coffee in the cold and dark winter. These two young people are attracted to each other, but they still don’t recognize this strange attraction. They are talking openly and enthusiastically so that the time passes without notice… at the very end of that day the young man decides to calm his feeling, to see if that is an attraction or just something normal and he decides to kiss the young lady. At the moment the life stops. The clock stops tick tacking, the air stops, their breaths stop being separate and unites in one. This is the moment that two souls become one, two young people find their other halfs. This is story for real love, real friendship, and real existence. This is the beginning of our story. And what about the beginning of your story?!..


Sorrento- a breathtaking day from my life!

Sorrento, Italia…

One lovely November day we decided to spent a day in an Italian city called Sorrento. Of course, we have heard a lot about Sorrento and Amalfi coast of Italy, but when you don’t visit it you don’t know why exactly is so famous…

From central train station of chaotic Napoli we took a dirty train to Sorrento. The first impression I get was not so romantic, but anyway, we have planed that trip for so long time and we were certain that we must continue. An hour of that old and dirty train we tried to exist that the train suddenly stopped. Carefully and a little frightened we took out from the train and suddenly I was in front of a breathtaking view- a direct view through the colorful pastel color of Italian houses to the see. I was that much excited, so that I couldn’t say even a word. The sun was smiling to us, the air was cuddling us, the sea was relaxing us, the coffee smell was making the coast alive! Such a heaven in the world. I couldn’t and I still cannot believe that there is such a wonderful place in this cruel world…

Anyway, we began walking through the narrow streets, in which the scent of lemon trees are filling your lungs with happiness, the walk of loving people around you makes you believe that still good exist in this life. Such an unbelievable place, where prosecco is giving life to satisfaction of all human senses, a city, where anxiety and worry doesn’t even take place. Such a peaceful place in which everything is in harmony. 

I wanted that day to stop. I wanted to reach immortality in that garden, where sea is beneath me, the sun is kissing my cheeks, my love is next to me, holding my right hand, and in my left hand a have a glass of prosecco… ahhhh HEAVEN, right?! 

By the way, Sorrento is a famous not only with its coas, but also with its lemons, so if you go there ( and I recommend you to go! ) please try there limoncello gelato and also buy their limoncello ( the Italians say that it is the best limoncello ever! )…


First night in Napoli 

Napoli… Neples… Napoli…

How can I find the most appropriate words to discribe such a beautiful, calm, friendly, dirty, but at the end a place with a very kind people?!

While we were searching for our seats in the plane, we were talking excitingly about what we will do in Napoli, where we will go, what we will eat…and we sat on our seats and a man next to us asked in a real Italian accent ‘A pizzeria? Dove andate? ‘ With a very basic Italian we tried to explain to the man that we are going to Napoli for holiday….and we found ourselves in the middle of conversation about work, trade, export-import, İtaly, Bulgaria, turkey, food, whether…. The interesting part is that Guiseppe doesn’t speak any other language except Italian and we know a little bit of Italian. But the conversation is so hot, so deep, so friendly and so exciting that we cannot stop and Guiseppe offers to give us a ride and then we found ourselves eating pizza in the most famous place in Napoli with two local guys, talking Italian… So good and so strange, right ? 😉 How can it be so Italian? How can they be so warm and friendly?! What is more, they didn’t allow us to pay the bill and at the end they took us to the hotel. Mamma mia! Italia… Scusa mi, non è Italia – Napoli!!!! It is such a place, in which we may expect everything, right? BTW thank you Guiseppe for everything … we appreciate it so much and we are waiting you in Istanbul and Bulgaria :))


The real author of Your LIFE!

Life is so strange, so unexpectable, so weird. There can be laugh and cry at the same time; there can be light and dark; white and black and all of them perfectly attach to the discription of life. 

So, the question is what is life for you? Some may say life is something worth to live, a place where you can continue existing through your children, a place where you can improve yourself, etc. Others, however, can claim that life is a stupid experience, in which everybody is fucked. For me, life is simple. Life is how you want to see it. If you want to make it complicated, if you care too much about other peoples opinions, so it will be like that. But if you take it simple, live your moment, enjoy your breath, flirt with the colors around you, satisfy your body with the air, then you will truly live. And most significantly you should always love. When I say love, I mean it in every sense of it- love everybody, love everything and most important love yourself, because you are the center of your life, you are the hero of your story. If I were you I would create a story not in the way that everybody would like it, but a story that I love it. Enjoy the writings you create, be the hero in your life. And never look to other people’s opinions, because they don’t know your story better than you. You are the author, so live like author, act like author. Be the hero, be the beast, be courageous, be afraid and most significative be inlove. Love yourself, love your story, love others, and love life. Because it is worthy to love than just to exist.

